
It is so contagious it instantly inspires you to make at list some basic changes… all advices applied in practice brought in the results I wanted!

I met Sashko for the first time in 2016 when the company, working on selling high quality supplements, I cooperated with was looking for an expert in nutrition to support the promotion. At each and every presentation Sashko held (and they were many), he was completely dedicated to help raising the awareness of the people for the healthy way of life. In fact, in each workshop that lasted around 90 minutes (out of which only 10 were dedicated to the presentation of the products) Sashko carefully explained the reasons that caused weakened immunity, stress and various diseases and what we can all do to prevent them… OK, maybe that is something most nutritionists can do as well, but there are a few things that separate Sashko from all other nutritionists that I know.... Sashko explained things in such details that even the list educated men on the planet would understand what a healthy way of living is and what necessary changes could be done by anyone to live a healthy life. He does that so naturally and with such love that when he speaks he has a sparkle in his eyes… It is so contagious, that it instantly inspires you to make at list some basic changes. Sashko passed on that vibration to everyone attending those workshops with the same dedication. Not once I saw a person leaving those workshops, not to be enriched with life’s worth of knowledge and not to be contaminated with the spark from Sashko’s eyes. It is also important to note that Sashko leads by example, proving that what he stands for is the truth. He physical appearance is the one of someone I would certainly give my trust to be my personal nutritionist. Our professional cooperation led me to the decision to select him to be the first one I consult regarding any nutrition related issue. Sometimes it was an advice about reducing the body fat and increasing the muscle mass, sometimes it was an advice for my family and friends, sometimes an advice on what to eliminate and what to add in my diet in order to achieve a certain goal…and all advices applied in practice brought in the results I wanted. Sashko is definitely full of knowledge, he always upgrades his knowledge and whenever he works with people you can feel that he does not just provide services as a job or strictly a professional call, but he does it with enormous love and clear vision to raise the awareness of the people towards healthier way of living. I recommended Sashko to all my close friends that had certain health problems and they all share the same opinion with me regarding his professional conduct. I have no doubt, I’m 100% confident to encourage anyone to consult Sashko regarding anything from the segment of nutrition and I truly believe that everyone will enjoy working with him. I have a personal philosophy to be surrounded with experts from all segments of life, and my “Master” Sashko is one of the people I want in my most inner circle.

D.R from Skopje

Using the diet for autoimmune conditions led to elimination of almost all of my symptoms and pains after just few weeks of following!

I have used the nutritionist’s services of Sashko Drvoshanski for a specific autoimmune condition for which, unfortunately, the standard medical service in our country had no answers or possibility to help. After thorough analyses of the condition, given symptoms and responses, Sashko prepared specific diet which I followed completely. Using the diet for autoimmune conditions led to elimination of almost all of my symptoms and pains after just few weeks of following. In addition, I was able to lose a couple of kilos that have bothered me for quite some time. Thanks to the diet prepared by Sashko I feel great and confident to recommend him to anyone looking to improve his /her health.

N.A from Skopje

His main characteristic as a professional is being thorough. Anytime someone has a specific question or a condition or diagnoses he is interested in, Sashko will not just provide the solution but will also educate!

In the two years of knowing Sashko through our cooperation, I realized that he is a person with enormous enthusiasm for his segment of work, a person rich in know-how, information and applicative knowledge from the latest research in the world. His main characteristic as a professional is being thorough. I consulted with him on issues of nutrition for weight training and building up muscle mass, as well as maintaining of overall health and wellbeing. For each specific question, issue or condition someone is interested in, Sashko will not just provide the solution but will also educate. He always gives precise, yet thorough explanation why are things concerning our health the way they are. For that reason to me Sashko is a person of the utmost trust when it comes to all health and dietary choices issues!

I.A from Skopje

In just a few weeks my blood sugar level went down from 18 to an average of 6.5 mmol/L… I have not felt this good and had this much energy in a long time!

Sashko Drvoshanski was recommended to me by a friend. I had unregulated, severely high blood sugar that I wanted to try to put under control using dietary changes and not take the pharmacological therapy right away. After analyzing my results and receiving the information relevant to my health, dietary habits and lifestyle, Sashko prepared a dietary program that included detail structured diet plan, including the list of recommended supplements and lifestyle changes. I followed the plan thoroughly and vigorously and in just a few weeks my blood sugar level went down from 18 to an average of 6.5 mmol/L. The continual communication and consultations about all the things that were new to me, such as recommended new foods or new ways of preparation of food, meant so much… he was always there, ready to answer my questions and gave me a encouragement to follow through. I have not felt this good and had this much energy in a long time. I would like to recommend Sashko to anyone who needs to take back the control over his health with all my heart.

Z.M from Berovo

The results came after one week… he motivates us to persist and follow the program in order to achieve the results we desired!

I have met Sashko Drvoshanski in my search for solution to my digestive problems. His thorough approach from the start gave me the confidence that I was led to a true professional and responsible person. I really like thе way he incorporated my personal taste and food preferences and dislikes when crеating the dietary program that was tailored both to my nutritional as well as organizational needs and schedule.  The results came after one week! However, Sashko’s thorough approach was not in fact the thing that impressed me the most, it was his genuine care for the client. He has the sense to do a follow up right at that moment when the client may start to “cheat” his/her diet, which happened once I felt better and my condition improved. He motivates us to persist and follow the program in order to achieve the results we desired. I recommend to everyone to consult with Sashko no matter if he has any health issue, weight issue or just wants healthy nutrition because the quality nutrition gives quality life.

J.D. from Skopje

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