
The results came after one week… he motivates us to persist and follow the program in order to achieve the results we desired!

I have met Sashko Drvoshanski in my search for solution to my digestive problems. His thorough approach from the start gave me the confidence that I was led to a true professional and responsible person. I really like thе way he incorporated my personal taste and food preferences and dislikes when crеating the dietary program that was tailored both to my nutritional as well as organizational needs and schedule.  The results came after one week! However, Sashko’s thorough approach was not in fact the thing that impressed me the most, it was his genuine care for the client. He has the sense to do a follow up right at that moment when the client may start to “cheat” his/her diet, which happened once I felt better and my condition improved. He motivates us to persist and follow the program in order to achieve the results we desired. I recommend to everyone to consult with Sashko no matter if he has any health issue, weight issue or just wants healthy nutrition because the quality nutrition gives quality life.

J.D. from Skopje

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