
In just a few weeks my blood sugar level went down from 18 to an average of 6.5 mmol/L… I have not felt this good and had this much energy in a long time!

Sashko Drvoshanski was recommended to me by a friend. I had unregulated, severely high blood sugar that I wanted to try to put under control using dietary changes and not take the pharmacological therapy right away. After analyzing my results and receiving the information relevant to my health, dietary habits and lifestyle, Sashko prepared a dietary program that included detail structured diet plan, including the list of recommended supplements and lifestyle changes. I followed the plan thoroughly and vigorously and in just a few weeks my blood sugar level went down from 18 to an average of 6.5 mmol/L. The continual communication and consultations about all the things that were new to me, such as recommended new foods or new ways of preparation of food, meant so much… he was always there, ready to answer my questions and gave me a encouragement to follow through. I have not felt this good and had this much energy in a long time. I would like to recommend Sashko to anyone who needs to take back the control over his health with all my heart.

Z.M from Berovo

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